Sunday, December 29, 2013

Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles for Children

There are several benefits any child can avail of by playing jigsaw puzzles, in boxes or online games. There are 3  ways in which jigsaw puzzle can prove beneficial for children’s proper growth & development:
  • Improves Hand – eye coordination: While playing jigsaw puzzles children learn how to observe the pieces and put them in the correct position. 
  • Enhances Brain & Memory Power: Jigsaw puzzles are very beneficial in developing a child’s mental and logical behavior in their early stages. It is also helpful in developing manual dexterity. As children get older, he/she will be able to proceed to more intricate puzzle games. This will further help develop and improve their other skills such as vernacular and numerals. 
  • Boosts morale: The successful completion of jigsaw puzzles presume a gratifying feeling in children. This in turn boosts a child’s morale and eventually children are motivated to play and finish more puzzles. Thus, they are also encouraged to move onto more complex puzzles. 
Puzzles Benefits

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Types of Puzzles

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Throughout the history there were created and developed various types of puzzles for mind training and memory development skills. These are the most popular ones:
  • Logic puzzles using a chess board, such as Knight's Tour and Eight queens.
  • Mathematical problems such as the missing square puzzle. Many of these are "impossible puzzles", such as the Seven Bridges of Königsberg, Water, gas, and electricity and Three cups problem. See List of impossible puzzles.
  • Picture puzzles, such as sliding puzzles like the fifteen puzzle; jigsaws and variants such as Puzz-3D.
  • Puzzle video game
  • Sangaku
  • Sokoban
  • Spot the difference
  • Tangram
  • Word puzzles, including anagrams, crosswords, word-searches and ciphers.
  • The Anagram Jigsaw is a jigsaw puzzle where pieces are rearranged for two correct solutions.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Puzzle Mansion

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The Puzzle Mansion holds the Guinness World Record title for having the largest jigsaw puzzle collection assembled by a single person
Jigsaw Puzzles

The main attraction here is the jigsaw puzzle museum of Ms. Gina Gil - Lacuna.  Her collection consists of 1,029 puzzles (but Guinness only considered 1,028) -- beating Brazil's record by a mile -- with a total of 700,004 puzzle pieces that she has done for 27 years.
JIgsaw Puzzles

Mona Lisa Puzzle

Monday, December 16, 2013

First Jigsaw Puzzle Ever Created

John Spilsbury was born in 1739 and he is considered the inventor of jigsaw puzzles. John Spilsbury worked as an engraver and mapmaker. He served as an apprentice to Thomas Jefferys, the Royal Geographer to King George III.
He invented the first jigsaw in 1767 and it was a map of the world. John Spilsbury attached a map to a piece of wood and then cut out each country. Teachers used Spilsbury's puzzles to teach geography.
Spilsbury Puzzle

Students learned their geography lessons by putting the world maps back together. Sensing a business opportunity, he created puzzles on eight themes - the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England and Wales, Ireland and Scotland.
Geography puzzles

John Spilsbury died on 3 April 1769 leaving us the legacy of jigsaw puzzles, which are used nowadays by people in the whole world.
Online Jigsaw Puzzles

Friday, September 13, 2013

Interesting Facts on Puzzles History

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  • “Legpuzzel” is the dutch name for jigsaw puzzles and tangram-like puzzles.
  • Puzzel represents the most general word, encompassing logical puzzles, crosswords, mechanical puzzles and in general all kind of “problems” to solve.
  • On 18 october 1817 in Paris a booklet with the title “Le Casse-tête Chinois” was published and it was a copy of the English publication ” The Chinese Puzzle”.
  • In italy the etimology of word puzzles weas reflected in Rompicapo- Al Gioco Cinese chiamato il Rompi-Capo” was the title of an 1818 Italian publication.
  • The Spanish Rompecabezas is from some later date, probably introduced as Rompe-Cabezas as one of the titles of French export puzzles.
  • The German name Kopfzerbrecher has been used in 1891 as the name for the Anker tangram puzzle
  • “Chinese puzzles” became in the middle of nineteenth century the name for mechanical puzzles from Asia  - they were made in Japan or India.
  • Unlike word or jigsaw puzzles, mechanical puzzles are hand-held objects that must be manipulated to achieve a specific goal. These puzzles are often referred to as mechanical puzzles, brain teasers, 3D puzzles, mind benders, one person games, or just plain wooden games or wooden toys.

  • Sunday, September 8, 2013

    JIgsaw Puzzles Online - Relax and Train Your Mind

    A new resource of online jigsaw puzzles is ready to be used and conquered by creative and sharp minds. is a beautiful collection of online jigsaw puzzles with the possibility to explore and solve them.

    With us you can trace your progress, create your own puzzles online and much more. Find hundreds of new jigsaw puzzles every day and become a respected and competitive player. You will be able to choose among a variety of puzzles, with different design, dimensions and number of pieces.

    If you love art, you will certainly appreciate the wonderful images jigsaw puzzle can create. Sign in as a user and choose online puzzles of various categories and difficulty level.

    Jigsaw puzzles online are offered in the following categories: animals, architecture, battle, fantasy, food and drinks, interior, landscape, monsters, objects, people, plants, robots, toys, transport, etc.