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Privacy Policy

Log Files

 The only data normally recorded by us during a user visit are those normally recorded by servers in log files; e.g. referring page, browser, page visited, etc. Every computer connected to the Internet is given a set of numbers that serve as that computer's "Internet Protocol" IP address. When a visitor requests a page from Web-Puzzles.Net, our Web server automatically records that visitor's IP address. The IP address reveals nothing personal about you other than the IP address from which you have accessed our site. We use this information to examine our traffic in aggregate, but do not collect and evaluate this information for individuals. Our Web servers do not record e-mail addresses of the visitors. We analyse these files to determine basic statistics such as daily traffic, most/least popular pages, etc, but we do not keep any 'personal' data such as email address (which is anyway not available).  

Other 3rd Party Services

We cannot speak for other parties whose services we might offer from our site. We do not provide them with any data other than what you type into any page on our site, and you will have to check the privacy policies on their sites to determine what they might do with your data.

Terms of Usage

Unsolicited Proposals

 Please be advised that any information you send us explicitly will be deemed to transfer to us all and any rights in it. Not because we're nasty pigs, but because of legal technicalities...  

Disclaimer of Liability

We are not responsible for any shortcomings in your browser. This site is written in standard XHTML (which is virtually the same as standard HTML). We do NOT write for any particular browser, but we do ask you to use one that respects modern W3C standards, and is robust. Netscape 4.x is especially fragile...  

Software should never crash, particularly on valid data.

If your browser crashes on our site, please either upgrade to a later version or switch to another. This will usually remedy the situation, but if it doesn't, then please let us know and we'll look into it.

Every registrant at the Web-Puzzles.Net is asked to provide certain personal information in the on-line registration (sign-up) form. This information includes the registrant's name, email address, date of birth, postal address and other particulars. This data is compiled by Web-Puzzles.Net and is used to keep Members regularly updated with the latest developments at the Web-Puzzles.Net.

All Members have, at all times, the options to unsubscribe to all or any of these mailing lists. Web-Puzzles.Net does hereby assure that your personal information will not be made available to or exchanged with any companies, firms, individuals or organizations other than the sponsors or other business partners.

 Comments or materials sent to Web-Puzzles.Net including Brain Teasers, Riddles, Puzzles, answers, feedback and other communications of any kind, shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Web-Puzzles.Net is free to reproduce, distribute and publicly display such Brain Teasers, Riddles, Puzzles, answers, feedback and other communications without limitations or obligation of any kind.

Web-Puzzles.Net is also free to use any ideas, concepts or techniques contained in such Brain Teasers, Riddles, Puzzles, answers, feedback and other communications for any purpose.

Web-Puzzles.Net reserves the right to analyze and summarize data that we collect and also reserves the right to publish, distribute, share summaries of the data collected with sponsors or other business partners without limitations or obligations of any kind.

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